Should I Hire a Professional or Build it Myself? 

Perhaps you are trying to decide if you want to tackle your deck or fence project this year or if it is worth your money to hire a professional. We come from families that “did it themselves”, and we absolutely love a good family project! However, before you jump into a do-it-yourself project, here are some things to consider.

DIY Costs

One of the biggest reasons homeowners choose to do a project themselves is to save money. While undoubtedly you will save money on labor, there are some other costs you may not have thought about. Do you have the tools necessary to complete your project? If not, you will need to either rent or buy them. The cost of renting or buying tools will add up quickly. 

Additionally, there may be some cost associated with mistakes. If a homeowner does not have a lot of experience and mistakes are made, there will be some extra cost in replacing materials. 


Doing a project yourself is going to cost you time. Decks and fences are usually not over-the-weekend projects when are you working alone. You will probably have quite a number of evenings and weekends wrapped up in your project before it is finished. If time is important to you or you don’t have much extra, hiring a professional who can work full days to get your project completed quickly and correctly may be worth the extra cost.


If a homeowner hasn’t built a deck or fence before, there is some chance that the final structure may not be completely sound, safe, or meet building requirements. This may lead to a wobbly deck or fence, or one that may break down or collapse. How do you plan to use your deck or fence? If an important goal with your fence is to keep children or pets away from a street or pool, a malfunctioning fence could be quite dangerous. If your deck is high in the air and will have children use it frequently, your deck structure and handrail must be reliable.

When building a deck or fence, there are important steps needed to ensure that water doesn’t sit in the wrong places and create wood rot. Correct footings, hardware, and load-bearing beams and posts must be used when framing to make sure that the final structure is sound and will last for years in the elements and with frequent use. Handrail must be installed properly to be sure that children cannot fall through it. 

If you do build your deck or fence this year, be sure to follow safety precautions. Mistakes that seem small may lead to major issues in the future!


If you have considered all these things and you have the necessary tools and skills, of course it makes sense to DIY! We hope you and your family have a wonderful time building a structure that is going to be enjoyed for years to come. 

If you do decide to hire a professional, we are only a phone call away! You can let our family do the work for you so that your family can start enjoying the outdoors together even faster! 

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