How do I Clean my Composite Deck?

A composite deck is such a great investment and gives your family a beautiful outdoor living area! Even though a composite deck is practically maintenance-free, you will probably still want to give it a gentle clean a couple of times a year to keep it sparkling. With weather, pets, foot traffic and more, there will most likely be dust and debris that builds up from time to time. What is the best way to clean a composite deck?

1. Sweep Regularly

Sweeping your deck is a great habit to begin. Sweep every 1-2 weeks to remove any large debris, dirt and dust. Keeping debris off your deck will prevent scratches and keep it looking lovely. This is also a great time to look for any stains or spills that you may want to wipe up. 

2. Rinse Your Deck Before Cleaning

Before you clean, you can help loosen any dirt by getting out your hose and a spray nozzle. Give your deck a good rinse, making sure it is completely wet. This prepares the deck for a gentle scrub.

3. Clean with Dish Soap, Warm Water, and a Soft Bristled Broom

Mix some dish soap or indoor floor cleaner in a bucket with warm water. Use a soft bristled broom to gently agitate the dirt and debris on your deck before you remove it.

4. Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Do not use acetone or other harsh chemicals on your composite deck. Most dirt, debris, and spills can be cleaned with simply soap and water. If you need some extra help with stubborn dirt, you can use a nozzle or a pressure washer.

5. Pressure Wash With Care

We do not recommend pressure washing a composite deck, since it is not usually necessary and could harm your composite material. If you do decide to use a pressure washer, use a fan tip and keep it at least 8 inches away from the deck surface as you work. Do not use pressure over 3100 PSI since this might void your warranty and damage your composite.

We recommend cleaning your deck 1-2 times a year! Consider a clean in the spring when it begins to warm up and in later autumn when the weather is getting cooler. A simple clean of your composite deck will keep it looking spectacular!

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