What Are Some Ways to Maximize Your Outdoor Space?

With spring upon us, you are most likely thinking about the outdoor projects you would like to get done this year! If your project involves a deck, patio, porch or something similar, here are some quick ideas of how to make the most of your family’s outdoor space. 

1) Add a Roof

While adding a roof to your deck or patio may be expensive, it certainly adds its worth in benefits. You have so many options available to you by adding a roof to your outdoor space! You could install ceiling fans, speakers, or a TV. You could screen in your space if desired. If you are planning to use your deck or patio in the cooler spring and fall months, you can add a fireplace or a heater. Adding a roof will also give you significantly more shade in the hottest months of summer.

2) Add Some Low- Voltage Lighting

Having some light on your deck stairs makes them much safer when you use them at night. Having low-voltage lights on your posts, gazebo, or pergola adds a soft glow to your whole outdoor area. Many people regret not having installed lights during the building phase of their project. Adding them once your outdoor area is complete is a little more complicated and consequently may be more expensive.

3) Add a Fire Pit

If you are aware of fire safety and you have one of these professionally installed, a fire pit can be a fantastic addition to your deck. You could have a gas burning one that sits on top of your deck, or a fire pit made with paver stones that is built into your deck and would allow you to burn logs instead. 

4) Have Comfortable Seating

Never underestimate the importance of comfortable seating in your outdoor space! If you plan to spend lots of time there, quality furniture is worth the investment. If you enjoy hosting a lot of parties or gatherings, plenty of furniture ensures that no one is left standing.

5) Design the Deck to Fit Your Needs

Before you begin your deck or patio project, think through some of the ways you plan to use your space. Use these goals to help you with your design! Do you plan to have an outdoor kitchen? How many tables and chairs will you want? Is there anything else of importance you want to go in the space? Plan your layout with these things in mind. That way you will be sure that your finished project will be the proper size and flow well with your intended use. 

6) Add a Gate

Do you plan to have a pool close to your deck or patio? Do you plan to have young children or pets around frequently? Consider adding a gate! This will give you peace of mind that no accidents will occur when you are not around. 

The list of ways to improve your time outside could continue! We hope that these ideas are helpful as you think about your project this year and how you can best enjoy time with those you love.

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